Promote your art on the radio like a pro, a conversation with Brad Aspey, Public Radio Arts Reporter

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Is radio really a venue for visual art? How can audio help expand your audience, if your medium is something people need to see to appreciate? Simply, it's about the stories.

Many artists are shy when it comes to speaking about their art, whether in person, in print or on the air. But most art purchases are about more than whether the painting matches the sofa. Your buyers want to know about you as an artist— who you are, where you came from, why you make the work, what your ideas and influences are. Radio is a great way to tell a story that resonates, and inspires your audience to identify with your work.

Online radio and podcasts make it possible to include images and text as support for the spoken word. Bringing all these tools together can make your presentation even stronger than a simple portfolio site.

This week's Art Heroes conversation is with Brad Aspey, veteran public radio announcer and producer. He is currently Interlochen Public Radio's Arts Reporter. He has interviewed thousands of people, from opera stars to jazz musicians to movie stars and even dozens of stand-up comedians. His list of guests include Jessye Norman, Bob Newhart, Bill Maher, Christopher Parkening, Dudley Moore, Cleo Laine, Martin Short and many others.

Brad has won multiple awards for his work in radio, including an Associated Press Award for Best Feature of 2008 and several awards from the Michigan Association of Public Broadcasters. His show, "ArtForms," won both first and second place in the Best Cultural Program category in 2008.

Brad also wrote cultural features and arts reviews for the Grand Rapids Press and Muskegon Chronicle for nearly 25 years. Brad has also been quoted in the famed show business periodical Variety. Brad has written for "Late Show with David Letterman" and performed in New York's famed Caroline's comedy club.

Learn More about Brad Aspey

  1. Listen to Brad's show Artforms here.
  2. Follow Brad on Twitter or Facebook

Further Resources:

  1. Mo' Better Radio: Ira Glass
  2. Radio Manifesto: Ira Glass

This episode is available as a Kindle Ebook at Amazon

Art Heroes Review No.4: How to Tell Your Story on Radio [Kindle Edition]

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I'm best known as an artist and designer. Relaxing makes me tense, so I tend to put in a lot of hours on diverse projects.

On the way to a successful art career I've been a poet and writer, a tech geek, a print and web designer, illustrator, industrial designer, musician, teacher, actor, set designer and even a paid guru once.

It's all the same thing in the end— I wake up most days thinking about how I want to change, fix or improve some aspect of the world. And after a couple cups of coffee I get started on it.

My specialty is impossibility remediation: if it can't be done, I'm on it.

Mobile: 231.584.2710 (9 to 5 PST only) | Email me
Twitter | Skype: johntunger | LinkedIn | Facebook

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