Keep clients involved and excited by using a mailing list right, a conversation with Alyson B. Stanfield

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Alyson Stanfield Alyson B. Stanfield is an artist-marketing consultant, but you can call her an art biz coach. That’s because since 2002 Alyson has built successful online artist communities at and, which help artists of all kinds strengthen their own businesses through online classes, live workshops, and the weekly Art Marketing Action newsletter.

Alyson, a former museum curator and educator, has witnessed the good, the bad, and the downright ugly attempts artists have made at self-promotion. She knows what works. She put what she knows into her book, I’d Rather Be in the Studio! The Artist’s No-Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion, which is now in it’s third printing.

Alyson is really big on building and maintaining relationships—noting that it’s much easier to make friends than to speak in “sales talk.” Our conversation will cover the following:

  • The Do’s and Don’ts of building a mailing list
  • Email secrets (Alyson doesn’t think they’re secret, but apparently they are because so many artists are ignoring them!)
  • How to use your mailing list most effectively

Learn More about Alyson B. Stanfield

  1. Visit her website:
  2. Visit her blog:
  3. Follow Alyson on Twitter and Facebook
  4. Read her book, I’d Rather Be in the Studio! The Artist’s No-Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion
  5. LinkedIn Art Business Group

Further Resources:

  1. Campaign monitor: Pay as you go email newsletter service. No monthly subscriptions, Great stats for email campaigns.
  2. 30+ free email newsletter templates from Campaign Monitor.
  3. Mail Chimp: Simple and friendly email newsletter service. Free account up to 500 subscribers and 3,000 emails per month.
  4. Email marketing serive reviews: Top Ten Reviews
  5. Capsule: Easy, customizable and effective management for your lists and contacts.
  6. Highrise: Powerful web-based contact management that integrates well with other services.
  7. Bookkeeping and inventory software for artists: ArtBizBlog

Show Highlights: Excerpts From the Conversation

Once the transcription is completed I'll include some of the best portions here.

« Q+A Call In Show— Opportunity is the most dangerous distraction you'll ever face | Main | Q+A Call In Show— Pros and Cons for artists working in multiple styles or media »

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I'm best known as an artist and designer. Relaxing makes me tense, so I tend to put in a lot of hours on diverse projects.

On the way to a successful art career I've been a poet and writer, a tech geek, a print and web designer, illustrator, industrial designer, musician, teacher, actor, set designer and even a paid guru once.

It's all the same thing in the end— I wake up most days thinking about how I want to change, fix or improve some aspect of the world. And after a couple cups of coffee I get started on it.

My specialty is impossibility remediation: if it can't be done, I'm on it.

Mobile: 231.584.2710 (9 to 5 PST only) | Email me
Twitter | Skype: johntunger | LinkedIn | Facebook

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